3333444 Extracted Ancient Numerology & Syncretism 111222
"This is dedicated to all those persons that have lost there life by way of suicide due to no support network. God have mercy on your soul. "
PLEASE NOTE: "Many persons during the years have been misled by angel numbers and certain adaptations contributing to ones illness or metal instability. Mental illness is a serious problem in our world and should this information not serve you please refrain from reading any further, rest assured that all information has been formulated (Complete description analysis's have been provided. Should you require any support as such please contact your local support services immediately. Thrill searching online or seeking avid rushed answers is not recommended. Many persons online are not qualified professionals or are able to provide readings or guides. All information here has been provided with care and more importantly, honesty.
(Refer to the photos once you have viewed the clip)
The Great year (The Platonic Year)
The Platonic Year, which is also called the Great Year,
has a different more ancient and mystical meaning. Plato hypothesized that
winding the orbital motions of the Sun, Moon and naked eye planets forward or
back in time would arrive at a point where they are in the same positions as
they are today. He called this time period the Great Year and suggested that
such a unified return would take place about every 36,000 years. This Great
Year is defined in the “yuga cycle” or the “ages of man”, better known as the
four (4) cycles of humanity. See above picture
Much as our planet has (4) four seasons, the earth and our solour system further experiences four very unique conscious shift’s in human evolution. Further synthesized in the Mayan and Indian cycles. These four categories are represented as; GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE & IRON. The Paestum museum holds many Bronze artifacts symbolic of this time period.Blue light emitted from the star Sirius is shown in the night sky as bright BLUE when the star is descending. The opposite affect takes place when Sirius is ascending as the colour RED in our night sky.
representation of these colours is also highly significant in modern day
medicine and science. Ancient humans were mystified with stars, absolutely
everything in history is dedicated to astrology. The Lucanians further promoted
these blessings of the ages as paintings on ceramic by welcoming the coming of
the Pisces age. Further depicted below as blessings were provided to these Gods
as the prominent fish symbols.
Bronze artefacts are prominent in the Paestum museum along with examples
as scene above welcoming the Pisces age that accounts for approx. 2000 years.
Every age approx. 2000 years.
4 = Ages
12 = Astrology signs
Golden age – Whereby human consciousness is at its absolute
peak as defined by its powerful love state. In this period of human cycle,
there is no evil on the planet. Earth is defined as one loving unity and evil
is depicted as living on another planet.
Silver age – Human consciousness starts to descend; it is
said that now evil lives on another country on earth.
Bronze age – Human consciousness further descends and now it
is said that evil lives within the same family. This is depicted in bible
during the crucifixion of Jesus, bronze age is the old testament time.
The Iron
age – Human consciousness is at its lowest form. Evil is now prevalent in
each person. The symbolic “Ying Yang” sign is very much a message of keeping
Further details of this terminology will be defined in later examples.
It is said that the Mayan calendar of 2012, was the changing point in
human consciousness. That time period is when we tipped over into the bronze
age on our way ascending towards the star Sirius. Again, referring to
24,000-thousand-year reciprocal binary cycle with the star Sirius.
There is also much complexity regarding astrological slippage with
regards to the timing. As our earth and sun do not rotate in accordance to
mathematical anomalies as Plato had thought.
It is said that we are now leaving the Pisces age and are heading in the
direction of the Aquarius age whereby our sun will be position for 2000 years
whilst ascending to the Bronze age.
There is further evidence to suggest that part of humanity is awakening
consciously to this effect of ages. Called humanities shift in consciousness.
Theoria Apophasis “Ken Wheeler” a modern-day genius debunks
mathematicians and scholar’s past and present. He explains mother nature and
the symbolism of the golden ratio in fantastic presentations online
Welcome 11:11
The Basics: 101
This special abstract created by the author for "The Path of a Sanothian" (soon to be released) the author has provided us with the opportunity to promote the numerology components the secret's and reveal the truth behind the numbers in a urgent push to allow some stability back into the world.
This information has been carefully studied, channeled to great lengths in travels to all the four corners of the world have been amounted in search of the secret behind the origins of "Number Synchronicity" and finally all is to BE REVEALED over the next three months so stay tuned!
For years. I have always pondered on what these numbers meant and what do they mean? Are they really "Angel Numbers"? I have often sat and wondered what and how these numbers are providing us with the correct meanings and are they correct guides? I mean who are they to know and wouldn't it make an awful lot of sense that an angels message to me would be different to you?
What if these signs are nothing but a scientific hoax played by our government in order to wipe out those that are less stronger in mind per say? Hey, I understand that this is an extremely awkward comment, though truth be told do you really know for sure?
For instance what if you are a newbie to the world of the "truly divine" and you suddenly feel this rush, and the euphoric onset of that comes over you and you truly believe "God is talking to you", suddenly you find yourself dashing to "google" in hopes of working out just what all the hype is about?? Then in a matter of moments you are flooded and absolutely inundated with this phenomena online and many others across the globe, all experiencing the same thing you are?
Well, the thought never crossed my mind to call the doctor and book the first appointment. I mean, surely this would have amounted to many people rushing to psychologist and psychiatrists in hopes of obtaining answers, though, to no surprise I was leaving the practice with some form and prescription that classify's me as seeing delusions and a crazy person! ( Well thankfully, it didn't happen to me, my psyche had been seeing the numbers as well funnily enough) though, it often made me wonder, what of those persons that maybe did not have the support? Or the understanding from family? and even friends?
Truth be told, I have come to understand that many people have lost there lives to this added phenomena from incorrect meanings because somehow the numbers did not go to plan and sadly they did not understand the meanings and thus having no support took the unimaginable way out. Much suicide data was obtained for suicides across various countries and many family members had recalled activity as such or "Spiritual Awakening behaviors" from there daughter or son during there last days or months of loss.
Hence why we have been particular careful in this assessment and have left no gaps as such.
Our aim is to arm you with the necessary tools of the trade to proceed on your own terms and work the signs and symbols. This information has not been made public and you are are of the first to be privy as such. I have been overwhelmed and excited to bring this to your attention.
Have you wanted to know the real meanings of "Angel Numbers"?. There had been a significant issue with the angelic number sequestration orders and how many around the world have caught on to this mysterious phenomena without the correct information.
The ancient Chaldean & Pythagorean mystical data has been finely tuned for better understanding and easy on the eye reading material where you can learn and encourage others to take advantage and add a better quality of understanding.
"Science is Religion and Religion is Science"
Happy reading everyone :)
May the universe guide all with love and compassion and guidance learning Numerology or Astrology.
All information in the following meanings have been drafted and finely tuned to provide the reader with a much easier way to understanding the signs. Week by week or month by month I will be updating the numbers to add to the blog.
11:11 is the initiation or better word for the calling card in preparing you for your spiritual awakening, as you are no where near awakened as such. I can't believe the disinformation regarding the spiritual awakening process out in the real world, its very concerning as in most cases its alarmingly incorrect information. To be spiritually awakened and be going through a spiritual awakening takes a very long time to achieve, some don't even get to achieve this state called Moshka.
Buddha, Jesus, Yoshi, Russel Brand, Jim Carey, Perez Hilton, Tom Shadyac, Joe Rogan, are just some to name a few. As we live in a 3D world and we are bombarded with 1000's of thoughts and feelings daily, it is very difficult to juggle the expectation of the outside you when you commit to such a task. The commitment is purely in your outwardly take on the world and how you will start to live and breath in "TRUTH". Its essential to make friends with this word because it is your destiny to walk in it.
To the various signs that have taken you by surprise. I wont go much into the finer details as our aim here is to provide you the tools and particular know how, what I will say is that whatever your religion or whatever you have thought to be true the universe is about to open up a great deal to you. The beauty about this process is that you can STOP, by simply turning it down.Yes, that's right, you can STOP at the 11:11, stage and request not receive any further information from your angels, God or whomever you seek comfort in. The information provided here is purely science and theology and it dates back as far as the bible and many other religions of the world.
111 222 111 444 555 666 777 808 566 1244
112 113 114 115 444 333 111 616 544 1212
112 113 114 115 444 333 111 616 544 1212
101 505 444 433 124 121 747 909 455 1010
Above examples
You have suddenly been through a traumatic event of some sort. It maybe a D.V matter relating to verbal, mental, sexual, psychical, financial or even spiritual assault. A divorce or breakdown of the family home has maybe occurred. Maybe losing a family member or partner that shook you to the core. Experiencing the stages of a kundalini arising, sexual encounter has suddenly aroused your kundalini to rise and suddenly you feel as though you have completely awake for days full of energy.
You may have a clan-destined soul path where you are a reincarnate from another constellation, and you have been sent back here to help our world achieve a balanced state again.
You may be a spiritual healer in the making or even a double digit "Master Number" whereby you are completely misunderstood and feel as such that you can not fit into the world around you. Whatever the case maybe, Trauma has been one of the pivotal reasoning's behind the erratic upsurge of energy sightings.
I have heard so many stories over my time and personally experienced some classical events and some misrepresentations myself. The issue is that these signs are not always correct (More on that later). The process of a spiritual awakening is NOT AT ALL a beautiful experience, it quite frankly rips you of your core essence in what you believed to be true in order for you to be true to yourself and serve a higher purpose other than leading the life of what you thought was real. It will break you more ways than you can imagine, all for the purpose of finding pure love and peace inside yourself.
Many others will have different experiences to yours, not one is the same. Rest assured it is as much as a grueling experience as it is wonderful, so my advice would be if you are up for a life challenge and its your time to step up why not go for it! If not, I wouldn't recommend you invoking any spiritual beings, angels or guides.
This is a time of trusting the right social circle around you. Many others that are experiencing this phenomena may lead you down the wrong path or may perceive a message that was not intended, thus causing many issues for you. I call this the "The Diluted Message'" They are neither black nor white, evil or good they are in the middle because they are not authenticated and have not been retrieved accordingly to the right setting.
So, trauma is any hurtful time that you have been through of recent or life long issue or sudden change that has shook your fundamental core beliefs. Can trigger "Synchronicity"
For more on trauma related experiences please see the following link;
You are a Master Number
Master numbers are those whom from the time of their birth were born under the astral alignment of not only one master number but two other master numbers. The calculation for these numbers are provided for you further down below. There are usually (3) persons with blessings of two multiples in there Path sign, they are either 11,22's or 33's, in some instances 44 & 55's are also considered high vibrating beings
In addition to their unique attributes described below, the Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33, share a range of intriguing and powerful influences. They all strain the nervous system and have a “pressure-cooker” effect; the deep-seated and often subconscious recognition that “you are meant to do something special.” and for better words in most instances you are hence the calling.
If you have Master numbers in your numerology chart, you will find it quite challenging to "master" the powerful qualities of these numbers. They are highly charged, difficult to handle, and require time, maturity, and effort to integrate into one's personality.
However, they are also rewarding, even if you don’t feel you live up to their potential; they tend to widen your perspective and imagination and expand your potential to aim high.
The 11, 22, and 33 are Master numbers not because they have two identical digits and because those digits are 1, 2, and 3 that are the most common of triad sequences. Though 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99 can rarely come about, they are often not considered in the triad equations,though the Sanothian number charts will provide you with these depictions as well just in case.
Devinely Chosen
I like to call these people gods gifted children, the ones that suffer ADHD, Autism or any form of debilitating mental illness that they be given the "label" of by us humans though the fact remains these humans are changers of our future. These types of spectrum's are bestowed with the abilities and although challenging for the humans affected can be a blessing disguise should the human develop there potential.
The Awake Beings
You have no have no doubt hear the term "Awake" humans compared to "Sleeping humans". Unfortunately the reader may not be able to comprehend this term "Asleep" "Awake". Surprisingly you may get receive mixed reactions from this as you discuss these so called states of being. The man whom I considered to be one of my personal be-sties with the explanation of conscious to unconscious state is none other that "Plato" him self.
Please see link click link
You tube clip ( Algory of Man)
Please see link click link
You tube clip ( Algory of Man)
God bestowed all humans as equals on earth with different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Its said in the book of revelation that 144,000 humans have been summoned to effectively assist our existence into the next chapter of survival. The concerning issue I see here is that no one will ever hear the names of those of men and women who stood in harms way for our survival and existence. We are all ONE. In Gods name we live.
The 144,000 are a selected group of double digit numbers 11. 22 or 33 upon birth and name sake persons on planet earth that accepts ones ability bestowed on them to carry out there purpose this lifetime in Gods name.
The war may not be martial as such and within grasps of human eye sight to see in physical form, this war is mental and affects the body, spirit then mind.
Common Signs from the Universe
Energy communicates with you in various ways, in most cases, through signs and symbols. Whenever you see these energy signs, the message is clear that a presence is near.
The signs according to (Jung 1955 p.99)
"They are not just theoretical images or symbols: they are both the image and the physiological counterpart, which have a very real place in our everyday life. They are layered within our evolutionary heritage, and shape the course of our lives, consciously or unconsciously. The constellation of any archetype is above all a typical emotional body state, which includes cortical and limbic changes in the brain, the alternation of the autonomic nervous system balance, the dispatch of hormones and neuromodulators, bodily posture, facial expression and physical movement. It takes place out of time. science based sequences that are attuning your DNA , biological, neurological all is unfolding perfectly according to the master plan of the Universe"
"They are not just theoretical images or symbols: they are both the image and the physiological counterpart, which have a very real place in our everyday life. They are layered within our evolutionary heritage, and shape the course of our lives, consciously or unconsciously. The constellation of any archetype is above all a typical emotional body state, which includes cortical and limbic changes in the brain, the alternation of the autonomic nervous system balance, the dispatch of hormones and neuromodulators, bodily posture, facial expression and physical movement. It takes place out of time. science based sequences that are attuning your DNA , biological, neurological all is unfolding perfectly according to the master plan of the Universe"
The book of Sanothian describes this in similar context though makes reference to the (3) important distinctions and areas of difference;
1. Universe pulsating energy to retriever ( God sending energy back to earth )
a) Oneness the almighty God source of everything sending you a Morse code to assist you on your journey.
b) Messages are carried to earth by Energy, Light, Sound, Vibration.
b) Messages are carried to earth by Energy, Light, Sound, Vibration.
2. Galactic family assisting receiver sending beams of light to planet earth
There are (14)different extraterrestrial beings here on planet earth at this present time, (3) of which are hostile. These beings have interbred over the course of hundreds, thousands or even millions of years. And have agreements in place around the world for mining purposes in exchange for technologies, though this exchange in dealings has caused an upsurge in the Reptilian beings that of which have not wanted war to protect there homes. They migrated to planet earth before humans millions of years ago.
See link https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com
The human race is the 7th race of humanoid existence on this planet, the body is simply a host for your soul this lifetime as you are having a human experience Our human minds were not encrypted with the fundamental abilities to naturally warn off telepathy intrusion as such. And as a result the founding members of light whom your soul may be connected with are assisting you as well during the process.
There are (14)different extraterrestrial beings here on planet earth at this present time, (3) of which are hostile. These beings have interbred over the course of hundreds, thousands or even millions of years. And have agreements in place around the world for mining purposes in exchange for technologies, though this exchange in dealings has caused an upsurge in the Reptilian beings that of which have not wanted war to protect there homes. They migrated to planet earth before humans millions of years ago.
See link https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com
The human race is the 7th race of humanoid existence on this planet, the body is simply a host for your soul this lifetime as you are having a human experience Our human minds were not encrypted with the fundamental abilities to naturally warn off telepathy intrusion as such. And as a result the founding members of light whom your soul may be connected with are assisting you as well during the process.
The galactic families aren't able to set forth here and assist as the frequency on the earth has been damaged by frequency vibration and sound in turn affecting the electromagnetic biosphere. Please see The Book of Sanothian for more information.
The galactic families aren't able to set forth here and assist as the frequency on the earth has been damaged by frequency vibration and sound in turn affecting the electromagnetic biosphere. Please see The Book of Sanothian for more information.
3. Angel or deceased family member makes contact
a) A spiritual angels and archangels are different in matter energy, as such one is formed via spirit dimension the others a workers of God.
b) Remember for every Good you have a counter part demon or that of which is not good. Such as "White Black" Female Male" Day Night" Water Drought" Sun Moon etc etc. All need the other to survive as we live in a world based on duality and God bestowed the us humans with choice.
TYPES OF ANGELS are selected in order in the next area, though as there are the order of Gods angels or beings there is also the same that of which signals the same messages.
TYPES OF ANGELS are selected in order in the next area, though as there are the order of Gods angels or beings there is also the same that of which signals the same messages.
4. Types of Angels
1. SERAPHIM highest order of the Hierarchy of Angels. They spend their time worshiping and praising God. (Isaiah 6:1-3).
2. CHERUBIM are the second highest order. The Bible depicts Cherubim as powerful and majestic angelic creatures who surround God’s throne. They are also depicted on the Ark of the Covenant as its Guardians. God sent them to guard Eden after the expulsion of Adam and Eve(Genesis :24).
3. THRONES are the third ranking order of angels.They were also known as Wheels and the Many-eyed Ones. These Angels were often believed to be deployed like charioteers around the Throne of God. They were described in Ezekiel 1:13-19
4. DOMINIONS are the fourth ranking order of angels. This Order of Guardian Angels decide the success or failure of nations. Dominations have been described as wearing long albs, or gowns reaching to their feet, hitched with a golden belt and adorned with a green sole. They carry golden staffs in the right hand and the Seal of God in the left. At other times, they are said to hold an orb or a specter.
5. VIRTUES are the fifth ranking Order of Angels. They have been called “The Brilliant or Shining Ones.They were called the Angels of miracles, encouragement, and blessings. They were particularly involved with people struggling with their faith. Virtues have been said to be the chief bestowers of grace and valor.
6. POWERS are the sixth ranking Order of Angels. Powers have been credited as being the first Order of Angels created by God. They are responsible for maintaining the border between Heaven and Earth. Acting as a sort of elite guard, they constantly watch for demonic attack.
7. PRINCIPALITIES OR PRINCES are the seventh ranking Order of Angels. The Principalities were considered to be the guardians over the nations and the leaders of the world. It is believed that they are given more freedom to act than the lesser angels below them. They are responsible for carrying out divine acts concerning their area of jurisdiction.
8. ARCHAngels are eighth ranking order of angels. Archangel Michael is believed to be the highest ranking warring angel in God’s heavenly host.
9. Archangel Gabriel is a highest ranking messenger who brought special messages to God’s people. (Luke l :30).
10. GUARDIAN Angels are the last order of angels.They are believed to be ministering angels sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14). Within the orders of angels, only archangels and angels (the lowest categories in the hierarchy) are traditionally said to interact with man and woman in the course of daily life. In some cases, the angel serves only as a messenger, but in others, the angel lingers in visible form, taking responsibility for the well-being of individuals in trouble, guarding them from harm, offering them sustenance, or leading them out of danger. Nowadays they are still busy ministering to us.
1st Sign: Repetitive Numbers
2nd Sign: Feathers
2nd Sign: Feathers
3rd Sign: Pennies and Other Coins
4th Sign: Rainbows
5th Sign: Cloud Shapes
6th Sign: Chills or Feelings of Being Touched
7th sign: Sign: Smells or Scents
8th Sign: Colored Orbs or Sparkles of Light
8th Sign: Colored Orbs or Sparkles of Light
9th Sign: Epiphany or Sudden Revelation
10th Sign: Ringing in the Ears
11th Sign: Hearing Music or Songs
12th Sign: Birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies, and Other Animals
13th Sign: Seeing Angels or Other Divine Signs in a Dream